Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Danger of Vitamin A & E during pregnancy

A small excerpt I took while reading up info on I thought it is good to share with others what Vitamin A & E are all a bout when in pregnancy.

"Vitamin E and Pregnancy
A new research study points out some possibly harmful effects of Vitamin E, stating that high intake of Vitamin E (over 1,500 IU) promotes oxidative damage, which damages cells and speeds their aging process. This could lead to heart disase and cancer. Critics of the recent study say the study is "making something out of nothing for the sake of headlines". Researchers behind the study say that you usually get enough Vitamin E in your diet and taking Vitamin E capsules may be more than you need.

Vitamin A and Pregnancy
Another vitamin that pregnant women shouldn’t overdue it on is vitamin A. In certain forms, this vitamin has been linked to an increased risk in birth defects. There are two forms of vitamin A – betacarotene and retinol. Retinol vitamin A, the type that is found in certain foods like liver, is thought to be dangerous during pregnancy and therefore should be limited to no more than 3,300micrograms per day. Vitamin A in betacarotene form is thought to be safe but discuss the issue with your health care provider to be sure. And if you are taking fish-oil supplements, pay attention to what part of the fish the supplement is produced from.
Any fish supplement that is made from a fish’s liver, like
cod liver oil, contains vitamin A in retinol form and therefore should be limited. Supplements that are not derived from fish livers are less likely to have vitamin A in retinol form, but you may want to look for supplements that are specially made for pregnant women to be on the safe side. "

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