Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another 7 months

I just had my HepB last Tuesday, which is two days ago. According to Doc, it's safe to conceive even when you are getting the injection. However if I'm worried, then I'll have to wait. The first question come into mind is how long? Well, after the first dose, the second dose will follow the a month after that. Then the 3rd dose, which is also the last will have to be 5 months after the 2nd one. So? If you do the calculation, I only can start conceiving AFTER July. In this case, it's another 7 months. Gosh! So long.

I was already planning for either a Mickey or Minnie. Now I can only go for Moomoo Cow. This actually enable us to proceed with our honeymoon trip to Bali which we was discussing whether to forgo earlier. I don't know if it's a good news or a bad one.

Since I have 7 month to go, I'll concentrate more on finding info for the expenses of a newborn. Hopefully with this, we can work our way to achieve better when the time comes.

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