Monday, June 29, 2009
@ week 17
@ week 16

Sunday, June 28, 2009
@ week 15

Monday, June 15, 2009
A teaser
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
@ week 13
Monday, June 8, 2009
@ week 12
Just a week after I was told to be 'overweight', it increased another 0.5kg. I shrieked a bit when I stepped onto the weighing machine. While sitting down, waiting for the nurse to be done with recording the data, I peep onto the scale and saw that it was actually offset by 0.5kg. Phew...not my fault la..
Two days after the last weighing, my weight dropped back to original 55kg (I made sure the needle was pointing correctly this time). Which means I have successfully maintain it for 2weeks. But why are my pants still getting tighter?
Btw, I've received my online ordered clothes from They will be my fashion cum maternity clothes.
Absolutely love the blue one. So huge at the tummy, bet it can last thru my pregnancy period. The cloth is very rough though. The yellow one is sweet, with roomy belly area but it's slightly tight at the chest area for me. The last one of course won't get me thru my pregnancy but my hand got itchy to see such a classy piece. I always hearted classy piece. Have to wear it more often, else when the tummy grows bigger, I'll have to wait after I give birth. The color that I received it so-not-the-pic-color. It's more of a gold rather than gray :S
@ week 11
This week has to be the week I felt the heaviest so far in my pregnancy. As usual I went for Gov Clinic check up and excitedly waiting for a yummy breakfast after that. Manatau, the nurse gave me a devastating news, that I gained 1.5kg in ONE month. OMG! I mean, ya my tummy is getting slightly bulky, and so is my butt. But how on earth can I start to grow at this rate? Averagely, a preggie will put on 0.5kg a month for the first 5 months and subsequently 0.5kg a week after that. Thanks to the nurse, my appetite for a hearty bowl of curry mee is gone. The worst, I'm suppose to go back twice a week to monitor my weight. Such a hassle.
When I went home and told Mum, she asked me not to be silly. Gov Clinic is monitoring the weight because that's the only way the can monitor the growth of baby. They won't do any ultrascan. Apparently, Sis's SIL had the same problem and she resorted to eating too lil. Ended up her baby is too small a size when was born.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
@ week 10
@ week 9
@ week 8
@ week 7
I suddenly realised that my boobs are not slightly bigger. They have outgrown my home bras. Gosh! Wearing them were like two pieces of clothes sewn together just to cover my nipples. Even my normal day bras are getting tighter and seems 'overflow' when wore them with my usual Baby-T. Most of the shirts that I bought looks like what they called, "Balut cempedak". From my side profile, you can see that my boobs are as long as my whole palm, which measured up a normal ruler long. That does not include the body frame yet.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
@ week 6
MIL has been bugging me to get a pair of good sandals. The ones I had were cheap, flimsy sandals from either Vincci or Nose. So out we went shopping again for the comfy one. My choice was either Scholl, Hush Puppies or Crocs. After surveying and trying out numerous pair, I came to a conclusion that:
Scholl: quite 'aunty' fashion
Hush Puppies: Narrow sole (I have fat sole that will spill out when press downward)
Crocs: OK but it's quite expensive for a sandal of that kind.
At last I settled for a pair of capri

A casual conversation between me and Hubs, leaded MIL to sacrifice her weekend outing and busied herself in the kitchen the whole morning. The food I craved was Nasi Lemak but then after Hubs reminded her that I can't take spicy food, I ended up only can have soy meat and rice. Argh...that's totally not so nice.
Pregnancy and sex
Today, I stumbled upon an article by that says,
'Now that you're pregnant, there's no doubt that your sex life will change. But just because you have a burgeoning belly doesn't mean that you have to spend the next nine months living like a nun.'
It also suggested different positions to accommodate the growing belly.
'Spoon: The spoon position can be very cozy and intimate. In this case you should lie on your side curled in a C, with your partner facing your back and curled around you. He then enters your vagina from behind while both of you are lying on your sides.
Side by side: Another good choice for late pregnancy, this position will control thrust and keep weight off your belly. You and your husband lie side by side, facing each other. He slips his leg over yours (your leg can be either straight and to the side or bent at the knee) and enters you from an angle. In a variation of this, you lie on your back and he on his side. Put your leg that's closest to him over his legs. He can enter you from the back and side, and still have his face next to yours.
Woman on top: This can be a satisfying position during late pregnancy, allowing you to control pacing and be more comfortable. Make sure, however, that he doesn't enter you too deeply.
Edge of the bed: Try lying down face-up on the edge of the bed, with your legs spread and the soles of your feet on the floor. Your partner can stand or bend over you. This position, however, does allow him to thrust more deeply, so you'll have to tell him how gentle and slow you want him to be.'
@ week 5
No major change. In terms of eating, I could still eat the usual stuff, i.e. oriental, western, Jap, etc. I was slightly more sleepy these days compare to before. In terms of physical wise, my weight has dropped without me knowing when. All the while my weight yoyo between 54-56kg. But the time I knew and weigh, I was actually 53kg. But then, one thing for sure was my boobs swell like nobody business. Before my period was due, it has already swollen and been a pain to touch. I dismissed it as another PMS. As for my tummy, it has the usual pre period cramp, which was another thing that I brushed it off as PMS too. But now thinking back, it was two of the common pregnancy symptom, which I totally missed out.
How about Hubs?
He has started to do some research on what to eat/not to eat. How cute. He even called up a good friend of us (a very qualified Doc) to ask his advise. Hubs started talking to baby almost every night. How cute!