Monday, June 8, 2009

@ week 11

How was I feeling then?
This week has to be the week I felt the heaviest so far in my pregnancy. As usual I went for Gov Clinic check up and excitedly waiting for a yummy breakfast after that. Manatau, the nurse gave me a devastating news, that I gained 1.5kg in ONE month. OMG! I mean, ya my tummy is getting slightly bulky, and so is my butt. But how on earth can I start to grow at this rate? Averagely, a preggie will put on 0.5kg a month for the first 5 months and subsequently 0.5kg a week after that. Thanks to the nurse, my appetite for a hearty bowl of curry mee is gone. The worst, I'm suppose to go back twice a week to monitor my weight. Such a hassle.

When I went home and told Mum, she asked me not to be silly. Gov Clinic is monitoring the weight because that's the only way the can monitor the growth of baby. They won't do any ultrascan. Apparently, Sis's SIL had the same problem and she resorted to eating too lil. Ended up her baby is too small a size when was born.


Trailing Spouse said...

Weight gain is perfectly normal chocmud! I gained a total of 14kg!!!!

chocmud said...

well trailing spouse, u gained total gaining at the rate of 2kg per month. after some calculation, (2*9)...18kg in total. whoops!