Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Getting Pregnant: 2nd date with Doc(S)
Danger of Vitamin A & E during pregnancy
"Vitamin E and Pregnancy
A new research study points out some possibly harmful effects of Vitamin E, stating that high intake of Vitamin E (over 1,500 IU) promotes oxidative damage, which damages cells and speeds their aging process. This could lead to heart disase and cancer. Critics of the recent study say the study is "making something out of nothing for the sake of headlines". Researchers behind the study say that you usually get enough Vitamin E in your diet and taking Vitamin E capsules may be more than you need.
Vitamin A and Pregnancy
Another vitamin that pregnant women shouldn’t overdue it on is vitamin A. In certain forms, this vitamin has been linked to an increased risk in birth defects. There are two forms of vitamin A – betacarotene and retinol. Retinol vitamin A, the type that is found in certain foods like liver, is thought to be dangerous during pregnancy and therefore should be limited to no more than 3,300micrograms per day. Vitamin A in betacarotene form is thought to be safe but discuss the issue with your health care provider to be sure. And if you are taking fish-oil supplements, pay attention to what part of the fish the supplement is produced from.
Any fish supplement that is made from a fish’s liver, like cod liver oil, contains vitamin A in retinol form and therefore should be limited. Supplements that are not derived from fish livers are less likely to have vitamin A in retinol form, but you may want to look for supplements that are specially made for pregnant women to be on the safe side. "
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Right brain, left brain
I truly enjoy the website as it has so much information in how to train the child even before he/she was born. As soon as I found some interesting article relating to toddler learning or prenatal learning, I immediately send IM to my sisters (one with a child aged 7 months, another one preggy for 2 months). Now they are hooked too.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What Are Right Brain Teaching Strategies? from

Excerpt from
"Right brain teaching strategies involve using “visual Velcro” to easily memorize material. For example, if learning math facts through oral repetition, games, or writing them isn’t working, then by making little stories (not rhymes because these are auditory) with emotion, and adding picture and color to the math fact, the child finds that it is easy to recall. This is using an easy, inexpensive learning strategy that totally transforms how a child remembers something as important as math facts. This type of teaching applies to all areas of curriculum. "
One of the resources this website provide leads me to find This website do sells flashcard. I heard that flash cards make kids learning much effective and fun. I already plan to get one when my lil one comes around.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Right Brain Kids at Home - 7 Secrets to Teach Your Kids Life Skills Start From Right Brain Training
A search thru yahoo search engine, I found an interesting article by this lady, Jas Ng. She had written numerous article on child development. The article that I've read was "7 Secrets to Teach Your Kids Life Skills Start from Right Brain". Below are the important points I've gotten from this website.
Secret #1 Observation skills by visiting local art museums and watching art performance at art theater.
Secret #2 Creativity skills by playing games and toys with siblings or friends.
Secret #3 Social and communication skills with friends and siblings.
Secret #4 Self management skills.
Secret #5 Problem solving skills.
Secret #6 Learn to be patient.Let your child learn to be patient by using 'please wait..' or 'please queue...' methods.
Secret #7 Practice, practice, practice!Practice make perfect!
I reading up more articles on this kids development. I'll share more when I've time.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
AV not that early
update: one hour after I wrote this post, it started to give me red signs. somehow I still feel a pinch of disappointment. I consoled myself saying I can still go for my Bali trip
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stop for a while
We shall see in a week or two times if my 'Aunt' still miss me and pay me a visit then.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dreaming of you, lil one

Saturday, April 19, 2008
A date with Doc.

I don't know what's the big deal but I was trembling outside while waiting for my turn. I wanted to do pap smear like my sis, since everything will be charged to Hubs company. But Doc said our 6 months attempts (I lied to him ;p) only started, it was not necessary. It started with me going into the bed section with Nurse asking me to take off my pants and underwear as she held a piece of cloth (for me to cover up later) while she looked on. After lying on the bed and Nurse closed up my lower abdomen, she shouted "Ready". Then Doc came in and started applying the liquid on my tummy. He did what I saw on movie, the ultrascan checking for baby I guess. He proceeded to check my 'inside', sticking a penis like plastic after squirting a massive amount of lubricant. Yet, I was still painful and actually tensed up while making, "Argh..Ouch" sound every time that thing moved. It's so shameful when Doc asked me to put my butt down so that he can continue *blush* I don't know what he put in after that but I saw the screen showing my uterus. The I saw a black round ball, which I still don't know what it was till today. Doc measured the thing from the screen and walah! He's done. I cleaned up and went outside to hear his result. Was everything normal? Is there anything wrong with my tummy? Thank god he said all is fine. So now it's up to Hubs to do the sperm count. Too bad he can't do it that day as the test requires him to store up his champion for at least 6 days. He will have to go back again if he wants to do it. Another good news, my egg was on its way. I asked Doc on the calculation of ovulation since from the last post, I mentioned that some will have ovulation as early as day 6 and I suspected mine was not day 14 due to my spotting. Here's how he taught us to calculate.
Fertility period = 5 days before till 5 days after ovulation
What to do? = sex on alternate days
Thursday, April 17, 2008
"At about day 14 of a typical 28-day cycle, the sac bursts and the egg leaves the ovary, traveling through one of the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The release of the egg from the ovary is called ovulation. Some women know when they are ovulating, because at mid-cycle they have some pain - typically a dull ache on either side of the lower abdomen lasting a few hours. Some women also have very light bleeding, or spotting, during ovulation. "
This explain everything. Previously, I was confused as why am I experiencing period twice a month. When I asked my friends, they said it was probably due to stress. As that time I was stress up bout my workload, I just accepted it. But then it occurred more often that it rings the alarm bell. Now every doubts are cleared but there is still one slight problem. It says that spotting is due to ovulation and mostly around 14 days. Mine was more likely to start on day 7-10, on and off till day 14. So what does that mean? Was it normal? I read so many e-info saying ovulation will be on day 14. According to one article on,
"A woman’s fertile days are usually the day of ovulation and the four of five days before, not after. But don’t assume that you automatically ovulate on day 14 of your cycle: A study last fall from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that ovulation varies dramatically from woman to woman, occurring as early as day 6 and as late as day 21 of a cycle."
Now, isn't it something new? I mean, now I know one of the reason I've failed twice. Probably, mine occur not exactly on day 14 although my menses is mostly on time (27, 28, 29 days cycle).
Here's something to cheer myself up...

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Mission failed
Now I'm really into believing all those superstitious thingy. Some said to place a pair of baby shoes by the bedside. Some said to get the baby pictures hang in the bedroom. I even bought the wishing bird and hung it outside to get my little wish for little one. Since it was Cheng Beng, I even sincerely asked for the ancestor to provide addition to our family when I prayed to each of them.

Friday, April 4, 2008
2nd trial
Monday, March 24, 2008
Just passed 14th day
I read somewhere else about the method on conceiving. It says to do it on 4 days on your ovulation. Start a day before the 14th and continue till 4 days later; i.e. 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th. Well, I don't know who to follow now. So if I fail this month, I shall try it next month.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Not only 14th day
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mission failed....retry in another 14days
Probably I should not have think of wanting it so badly that it affect the result. I always hear people saying the more the wanted for a child, the harder they can get it. But as soon as the stop trying, Pop! There comes the lil one. It's kinda hard to not think of it when you wanted it so badly. Hopefully the law of attraction will help me out this time.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The 13 rules of safe pregnancy exercise
Exercise has great benefits, but during pregnancy you need to approach it with extra caution. Whether you're a regular exerciser looking to continue your regime during pregnancy, or a former couch potato looking to get moving, follow these 13 rules to keep yourself and your baby safe. The 13 golden rules are :
1. Check with your healthcare provider first
2. Take in extra calories
3. Steer clear of dangerous sports
4. Wear the right clothes
5. Warm up
6. Drink plenty of water
7. Don't lie flat on your back
8. Keep moving
9. Don't overdo it
10. Don't get overheated
11. Get up from the floor slowly
12. Cool down
13. Make it a habit
You can get all those info stated above by either clicking on the link or get them at
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Excercise for Pregnant mom
Everything you need to know to safely stay in shape during your pregnancy here
The Expectant Mother here
I stumnle upon this too when I was browsing thru.
What should I eat during pregnancy?

Looks like I shall not use 'eating for two' to get all the yummy food into my tummy and to suffer after the birth ;p Everywhere I read, they seems to be stressing on the goodness of folic acid. Here's a lil fact I got from the website.
During the first three months of pregnancy (and preferably before becoming pregnant) a woman needs folic acid. This is one of the B-group vitamins and is also known as vitamin B9. It is important during pregnancy for the creation of the baby's nervous system. Folic acid can help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida and other congenital malformations such as cleft palate or cleft lip. Good natural sources of folic acid are barley beans, fruit, green vegetables, orange juice, lentils, peas and rice.
So folic acid be it. I'm going to hunt them down starting from now...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A date with Hubs
Hubs made all the make a baby. Coincidently, it was also my ovulation day. Hubs kept his champion (as he calls them ;p) in quality AND quantity. He added coffee for the 'sprinter' right before. We had read so many articles and heard numerous advice from friends who are successful on the food to take, the day to choose, the position to be in, etc. So that two days went on very well and now, I'm waiting for it to be confirmed this weekend. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Baby nephew's new name
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My name is...
Baby nephew
Godson Ben
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Baby nephew progress
I'll post his pictures when I get back my digicam from my sis. Be patient ya!
My piggie godson
Tomorrow we will officially be the goddad/godmom. Cousin will bring Ben to our house and pay respect to the god. We had even bought Ben a gift to signify our new relationship. It was a gold mystic knot pendant with gold chain. Wish him a great life and wonderful relationship with us.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Baby nephew has arrived
Doc came this morning at around 9am, sent her straight into labor and c-sec her. Poor thing. Pain all night but still have to be cut. Anyway, I'm going to meet my lil nephew for the first time later. Oh, my heart is full of joy. He will be our first grandson to my family, and a first great grandson to my only grandpa.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Another 7 months
I was already planning for either a Mickey or Minnie. Now I can only go for Moomoo Cow. This actually enable us to proceed with our honeymoon trip to Bali which we was discussing whether to forgo earlier. I don't know if it's a good news or a bad one.
Since I have 7 month to go, I'll concentrate more on finding info for the expenses of a newborn. Hopefully with this, we can work our way to achieve better when the time comes. is gone
Monday, January 21, 2008
Am I ready?
What should I do? To go for the trip even if I will be pregnant by that time? Or cancel the trip and wait for it to happen at home?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another 3 months
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Alkaline=baby girl, Acidic =baby boy
I've heard from my sister of this alkaline and acidic food for mother who want to conceive. But I didn't remember which is which. Immediately when we came home, I went online to search for more info.
It says that if you want a baby girl, the husband has to eat more alkaline food while the wife eats more acidic food. On the other hand, if you want a baby boy, it's vice versa. As I said, acidic food consist of seafood, meat, and alkaline food are vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae.
I will take all those alkaline food but don't make me give up on the acidic food, especially not seafood.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Predict the sex of your baby
As I was searching for the remedies to choose the sex of a baby, I came across a chart by this website, Lil Venture . It was stated that the accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of people and is believed to be 99 percent accurate. I am not so sure of the accuracy as calculating from my preggie sister month of conceiving, hers was suppose to be a baby girl. However, numerous scanning has proven otherwise. Well, I could only guess she is the minority 1 percent. This could be used as a reference for those who are trying hard to get a certain sex after trying for so long.
Up to come is regarding the food one should take to have higher chance of determining the sex before you conceive. Stay tune.
First step
It’s a big decision for us to set a date to start trying for a baby. It fills us with excitement as well as fear. Questions keep popping into our head, will we be good parents? What if we can’t become pregnant? And most importantly – how an earth do we go about conceiving a baby? (It’s harder than it seems) The Ovulation calculator can predict exactly which days I am fertile over the next year so we can plan that romantic weekend! Having a few friends and relative trying hard to conceive but failed did not make this easy for us. We know the frustration and stressfulness on trying for a baby, and finding out you’re not pregnant. That's why I'm getting myself arm with sufficient information and increase them from time to time. Hope this will be useful info for others who are on the same track as us.
How does it take to get pregnant?
The length of time it takes to get pregnant is completely different for each couple, and while your health, lifestyle, age and when you decide to start trying for a baby are factors to consider, how long it takes is a lottery for most couples. It’s worth remembering that if you have regular intercourse without protection, 25 per cent will conceive in the first month, 60 per cent within six months, 75 per cent within nine months, 80 per cent within a year and 90 per cent within 18 months.
It goes without saying that the healthier you are, the more likely you are to conceive. One of the common reasons for infertility is your weight. Being overweight may cause insulin levels to rise in your body, which may cause your ovaries to over produce male hormones such as testosterone, which can cause ovulation problems.Studies from the British Medical Journal found that women with a high waist to hip ratio or an ‘apple’ shape had more difficulty conceiving than those with a low waist to hip ratio or a ‘pear shape’. If you are too thin, your body can also stop ovulating, so it is important to maintain a healthy weight. It is important to start eating a healthy, varied diet at least three months before you try to conceive so your body (and your partner’s) is in tip top shape.
Other factors may be the work environment. Both men and women can be exposed to unseen hazards in the work place, which can affect their reproductive health. Your office probably looks harmless, but it may be time to pay attention to the potential hazards surrounding you while you work. Most offices are completely safe, so there’s no need to panic, but it’s worth investigating your office environment if you suspect you or people in your office are finding it hard to conceive.
Computers Office equipment like fax machines and computer terminals emit a low frequency radiation, so too much exposure can pose a risk. Try to stay clear of the back of your monitor, as this is where most of the radiation is emitted. Arrange your desk so you are not facing the back of anyone else’s computer whilst you work. Push your screen back as far as it will go on your desk (as long as you can still see) and avoid taking breaks or eating your lunch near the back or side of your terminal, or turn your computer off if you do.
Poor ventilation from dirty heating or air-conditioning systems can be harmful so speak with your employer or human resources department if you suspect the system needs to be checked.
Chemicals Direct contact with toxic chemicals, often those associated with photocopiers and printers can cause a problem, especially if you work somewhere that manufactures these products. If you work in hospitals and are exposed to dangerous chemicals, or on farms where you come into contact with pesticides or pollutants it may also affect your fertility. Read the instructions carefully when dealing with chemicals and always use the correct dosage.
High temperatures are especially dangerous for male fertility, as working in conditions over 100 degrees will affect sperm production. Kitchens, restaurants, bakeries and factories can get this hot, so make sure you take regular breaks in a cooler environment.
Sitting still for long periods of time at a desk, or long-distance driving can also affect sperm production, as the testicular area can warm up if air isn’t circulating around it. Give yourself plenty of breaks where you can walk around, and don’t wear tight trousers. Having a hot laptop on your lap does much the same thing, so put a pillow underneath to protect yourself. Testicles hang below a man’s body so are at a lower temperature than the rest of the body, but if conditions get too hot, the production of sperm is at risk.